Wednesday 12 November 2008


Yes. All right, I hold my hands up. The irony of that now infuriatingly prescient title to my previous post isn't in fact lost on me. In spite of one's best blogging intentions - you know how it is - life goes its merry own way without so much as a simple tweet to let you know what it's up to. Irresponsible and carefree as the teenager who schedules drunken house parties through the Facebook 'Events' application, or the brilliantined hedge-fund manager who doesn't bother to check if Porsche are inexorably building up a stake in Volkswagen. What can you do, apart from sigh, shake your head & determinedly push on with things? Exactly. Not much. So, dear reader, without recrimination on any side, let's dust ourselves down & get right back to business.


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